

Since 2019, Dr. Lisa Kaczmarczyk has served as the external evaluator for our multi-year, interdisciplinary National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) project in smart cities and smart living. From the beginning, Dr. Kaczmarczyk demonstrated excellent proficiency in various aspects of evaluation and assessment, including taking time to read and understand the grant proposal, guiding us in the creation of the logic model, advising on data collection and analysis, and keeping the stated goals and project outcomes at the forefront. During the active years of our training grant, Dr. Kaczmarczyk’s activities centered upon the closed focus group sessions between herself and the NRT graduate students (“trainees”) during our Annual Retreat. In the sessions, trainees provide candid feedback to Dr. Kaczmarczyk on key points of the training program, including (but not limited to): courses, workshops, requirements and expectations, relationship-building, and trainee experiences and challenges. Dr. Kaczmarczyk then shared her findings with NRT leadership along with her recommendations (which are subsequently shared with the Independent Advisory Board and internal Evaluations and Outcomes Committee). She then incorporates her findings into her own annual report, which examines the project’s performance overall. Dr. Kaczmarczyk also attends (or watches the recording of) the bi-annual meetings with the Independent Advisory Board. Her activities/findings have been instrumental in informing and improving the training project each year. I highly recommend Dr. Kaczmarczyk and look forward to opportunities to work with her again.

Troy McDaniel, PhD

NRT Principal Investigator, Citizen-Centered Smart Cities and Smart Living Assistant Professor, Arizona State University


We have engaged the services of Dr. Kaczmarczyk to assist us in the design, development, and widespread implementation of evaluation plans for our federally funded, multi-year computer science education project. Over the course of the past five years, Dr. Kaczmarczyk has demonstrated valuable expertise in the coordination of data collection, analysis and redesign of evaluation plans. She provided us with timely reports containing objective formative as well as summative cross-institutional assessment of our project activities that assisted our team (and our funding agency) in demonstrating the overall impact of our project. We recommend her highly and continue to engage her expertise for all our future projects.

Deepak Kumar

Professor of Computer Science, Bryn Mawr College


Lisa‘s unique experience and skill set positions her well for delivering outstanding evaluation services to both the academic and industrial communities. Dr. Kaczmarczyk works closely with her clients to create a balanced evaluation plan that applies assessment metrics yielding insightful data. She easily operates across entire stakeholder teams (including end users) to determine and communicate progress towards project goals and objectives. Dr. Kaczmarczyk’s extensive experience with formative, developmental and summative evaluation techniques, combined with her outstanding organizational skills, ensure that project leaders always know in a timely fashion the impact of their project.

Peter DePasquale, PhD

Industry Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering, New York University


Lisa’s department head at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology recommended her as a motivational speaker for a conference that I organized in Indiana. The conference brought together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty members and industry leaders in computing. Research indicates that intentional role modeling enhances recruitment and retention (R&R) for women in computing – a discipline where women are woefully under-represented. The over-riding goal of the conference also emphasized R&R. Her keynote dominated the conference. Conference assessment validated Lisa’s choice as speaker and demonstrated statistically how powerfully she delivered her message. Student after student wrote in the open-ended section of the on-line survey how meaningful and encouraging she found Lisa’s keynote. Of course, I heard the keynote too. Despite being consumed by conference details and responsibilities, Lisa’s storytelling style and hit-the-target message grabbed my attention – so much so that I remember every detail nearly four years later. How many times does that happen? Two examples: Trust your own instincts and do not pass up new opportunities when they present themselves. You know what? I subsequently resigned my job as department chair, after hearing Lisa’s message. I realized that paperwork and other chairship busywork blocked efforts where my passion lies: In R&R of women in computing. I’ll be forever grateful to Lisa and her inspiring words, because four years later I can see that I made the right decision.

Gloria Townsend

Professor, DuPauw University


Meticulous; critical thinker; reliable; professional; responsible and challenging in a good way – what I mean by this last attribute is that you push me and the NRT project to stretch and improve. For example, I think of when you were helping me go through drafts of the ASU NRT Logic Model in Summer 2019. With each successive draft, I thought we were done, but you pushed me to continue to think carefully and critically about the logic model, and ways to make it clearer, more accurate, and more comprehensive. Thus, the Logic Model and the project became better, and I appreciate you holding me accountable to improving the program

Ding Ding Zheng

Program Manager, Ira Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University


As members of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Education Council, I have known and worked closely with Dr. Kaczmarczyk since 2007 on various computer science education and policy endeavors of national scope. In particular, she served as the researcher and writer for the ground-breaking ACM Education Policy report, “Rebooting the Pathway to Success: Preparing Students for Computing Workforce Needs in the United States.”  This report contains empirical data from all 50 states, and served as key evidence to effect a pivotal change in U.S. national policy about computer science education. With her strong interdisciplinary background in computer science, and science education, along with her many years of research and evaluation experience, Dr. Kaczmarzyk is distinctively qualified. I highly recommend Dr. Kaczmarczyk, and welcome the opportunity to work with her expert consulting firm again!

Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, PhD

Lecturer and Graduate Program Director, Cybersecurity, Rider University; ACM Education Board Co-Chair; ACM Distinguished Educator

Dr. Kaczmarczyk invests time early in a new project to learn its background and context, enabling her to craft a vision of how she can best support the effort. Her deep knowledge of technical and scientific fields of study, combined with experience with various funding processes, enables Dr. Kaczmarczyk to contribute in meaningful ways to proposal preparation. Some things we appreciate most about working with Dr. Kaczmarczyk is her careful planning, sense of organization and clear definition of team roles. She focuses on creating precise roadmaps of desired project goals and outcomes and uses these to build robust evaluation instruments and metrics. Rather than imposing a rigid framework on team processes, Dr. Kaczmarczyk skillfully co-creates evaluation protocols with clients thereby empowering them to develop their own capacity for setting goals and guiding project outcomes.

Anthony Arendt

Research Scientist, University of Washington's eScience Institute


We collaborated on a project to create concept inventories for fundamental computer science subjects. Lisa patiently taught qualitative research methods to the project team members–everything I know about grounded theory I learned from her. Lisa also connected us with the computer science education research community. She served as an informal mentor for a doctoral student on the team: although he was a student at Illinois and she was at UCSD, she helped him understand the different journals and conferences in computer science education research, and she helped him network with others in this community. She participated fully in writing and revising the co-authored papers that report on our project. Her promptness and attention to detail in these papers were exemplary. Because I value Lisa’s conscientiousness and wisdom, I would definitely work with her again on another project

Michael Loui

Emeritus Professor of Engineering, University of Illinois